AZH gebouw

Media articles on launch of mobile app

On June 29th 2020, our new app solution launched for CDC (Surgical Day Centre). You can find more information about AZ Herentals launch in this link. Below a short overview ...

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Mobile patient app launch in Antwerp hospital

This morning (29/06/2020) the AZ Herentals hospital (Antwerp) was the first hospital to launch our Partheas mobile patient app for its ‘Outpatient Surgery’ facility (CDC). This allows companions (parents, children, ...

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12.2″ eInk size integration

Link up patient flow management with smart signage solutions? Partheas offers 2 more hardware integrations to its solution. Read more about the new 12.2″ eInk size integration in this article. ...

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Supported default languages

German added as default language in Partheas Flow

Since version 3.0 Partheas Flow (and Q) contains a multi-linguage feature. This means our application can always provide information to staff in their own language. For instance, this could be ...

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Example corona flow

Patient flow in post-corona times

There is no need for much additional context: Covid-19 has an important impact on our lives. Also hospitals are looking on how to organize and reshape their patient flows in ...

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POC in Artificial Intelligence

Partheas starts a POC roll out for patient flow processes, applying machine learning. Over time Partheas collected millions of historic data elements and different analysis axes on the different consultations. ...

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Press publications on opening AZ Herentals CDC

The start of the new CDC department at AZ Herentals (06/01/2020) got a lot of press attention. For more information on the module that steers the patient flow, click here ...

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Partheas Flow – launch of version 4.0 (CDC)

Partheas extends Partheas Flow (version 4.0) with a new module to management patient flows for day hospitalization and surgery The solution will actively inform patients and (especially) their companions about ...

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Partheas integrates Flow with Aucxis’ Hertz controller

With the upcoming Partheas Flow release 4.0, Partheas Flow integrates with the localisation controller of Aucxis, Hertz. In order to kick off integration, the controller will connect to our module ...

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Reporting module in version 3.2 - Average waiting time evolution for a physician

Launch of reporting module in Flow version 3.2

Partheas launches a new reporting module in version 3.2 of its Partheas Flow platform. Thanks to the large sets of information captured by the application, the application can offer a ...

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