Partheas Flow process intelligence

Process intelligence – Core engine

Most of the information on Partheas solutions has a strong patient-focus, explaining how the solution works for patients. Obviously, there is also no better way to explain the solution. For the hospital though, the real added value of the solution is in the intelligent engine behind it which steers the different processes.

Hospital care management is able to set the desired configuration of the solution in order to maximize the effect. The end result is a process which

   (a) improves the patient journey

   (b) improves the organisation

   (c) increases efficiency

   (d) decreases costs

This page describes a little more about the set-up and the advantages. However, some of the concepts may appear to be somewhat theoretical. Don’t hesitate to reach out to see how we may help you!

Medical paths

The solution allows you to create medical paths based on the patient’s appointment type. The example shows an overview of a gastrology appointment.

Based on the type of appointment a different pre-defined medical path is set. However, physicians or nurses are always able to intervene in the process, setting up additional examination steps.

While the majority of hospital disciplines has relatively easy configuration, the solution may be strongly configured for other departments, mostly internal medicine.

Gastrology example of flow per discipline
Example patient flow central waiting room

Creation of paths

You can compare Partheas Flow’s processes with Lego. The solution offers multiple types of behaviours and pathways.

For instance, the solution will offer you the possibilities in order

(a) define a certain pathway as optional sequence (depending on current availability of wards or mandatory sequence (always required to follow the sequence) ;

(b) prioritize certain patients, as example due to “priority patient” or “multi-appointment patient” ;

(c) call the patient only again after a number of minutes, depending on the patient’s age (for instance due to a local sedation)

(d) make sure a nurse in an examination room can always request assistance of a physician when the physician would be free after his earlier appointment (example assist in plaster room).

(e) and… many more

Example patient flow medical imaging

Comparative Study

In 2016, 2 independent educational departments for ‘medical management assistant’ made a comparative study. The study benchmarked 15 different (Flemish) hospitals and clinics. The study defined the way orthopaedic consultations work in the different hospitals.

Next, the study tried to define a number of metrics. More specifically, I took into account the total amount of patients, physicians and nurses. Also, physical parameters like the size of waiting rooms, distance… and many other were taken into account.

The end result showed that a campus equipped with Partheas Flow could show significantly better metrics.

Those metrics are not just ‘nice’, they show how a hospital can not only improve the patient journey, but at the very same time increase its own efficiency. At the same time, for instance, nurses indicate that it also facilitates their job. In other words, it creates a gain in efficiency, while lowering the stress on staff.
