Digital reception desk steered by your classic calendar app

Do you need a lot of infrastructure in order to have our digital reception desk started? For instance, would you need an agenda system that reconciles with the people coming ...

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Mobile app for physicians

Wednesday 29/06/2022 our Q2 release delivered some exciting new product features. For Partheas Flow this also meant the roll out of the ‘mobile app’ for physicians and nursing staff. This ...

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Partheas Flow – OR (short animation)

How can Partheas Flow for surgery rooms and day hospitalization contribute to smooth communication with people who support patients (parents, children, partners…)? Find out more in this small animation. Partheas ...

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Wachttijden arts

Partheas Flow (version 4.4.x)

This page gives a brief overview of the features in version 4.4.x (compared to the previous version). In addition to some security updates, it also contains a series of new ...

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Startscherm VDAB Aalst

Visitor reception software ready for full roll-out at VDAB

Today (10/02) the 3rd VDAB office (Mechelen) will start with our visitor reception software Partheas Q. After the pilot in Aalst (24/01) and Ghent (08/02), the roll-out of Partheas’ biggest ...

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Access control integration

With this new release, Partheas Flow integrated with its first access control application as part of the patient flow process. The solution contains the following extra features At subscription, dynamic ...

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VDAB picks Partheas Q in combination with 3S kiosks

In combination with partners Syrinx (BE), 3S (BE) and Italian AISsystems, Partheas managed to win the project for providing customer reception software to (up to)  67 different offices of VDAB. ...

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Partheas Flow in combination with Televic Aqura

In this small video we explain our solution for OR and day hospitalisation. It describes process, back-office software and mobile application. Next, we describe in more detail the hardware tracking ...

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Partheas Flow integrated with Aucxis’ Hertz

In this small video we explain our solution for OR and day hospitalisation. It describes process, back-office software and mobile application. Next, we describe in more detail the hardware tracking ...

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Partheas Flow for OR and Day Hospital in a short movie

Due to the ongoing Corona crisis, it is difficult for us to visit hospitals. Hence, we created a simple video to show how our solution can contribute to the management ...

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