Protected: Partheas Q – Version 6.2

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Protected: Partheas Q – Version 6.1

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Comparative study ‘Digitalization of Patient Flow’ in Medical Imaging

In April-May of this year we organize in collaboration with Janne Tuts (physiotherapist and student ‘Care Technology’) a study on digitalization of patient flows in medical imaging. We currently have ...

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RFID Case Study: An innovative solution for patient flow management in hospitals

Check out this Case Study from Cisper with SensThys RFID readers

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AZ Zeno Blankenberge

First multi-campus set up of Partheas Flow with AZ Zeno Blankenberge

Early February, the time had come: AZ Zeno Blankenberge is also working with our unique ‘Partheas Flow’ application after a thorough renovation. In 2018, AZ Zeno started Partheas Flow in ...

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Early birds or physicians running late? How to manage infrastructure capacity?

Patients who are much too early or doctors who are running late due to circumstances? Partheas Flow calculates the start time of consultations in real time and can thus add ...

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Ticket engine Partheas Tikasso launched

Partheas launched its ticket printing engine ‘Tikasso’. The solution allows generation of kiosk or desktop printed tickets in a hardware agnostic format. Tikasso now allows us to print good looking, ...

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Partheas Q version 4.0 launched

This quarter, Partheas Q will switch to version 4.0 with many new features, which you can read more about below. The next important release will be at the end of ...

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Digitaal reception and calling for group practices

In 2021, we took a whole new look at Partheas Q. From a basic number system (still available as Partheas QBasic) a whole new architecture was created to take the ...

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Version 3.4 release Partheas Q

Partheas Q is ready for version 3.4 with the September release. Except for incident interventions, no further release is planned in 2022. The next major release will be Q1 2023. ...

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