This quarter, Partheas Q will switch to version 4.0 with many new features, which you can read more about below. The next important release will be at the end of Q2 2023. Interested in what is part of it, or do you, as a customer, want to hear for yourself what could possibly be put on the roadmap? Do not hesitate to contact us!
Additional features
- When the visitor arrived, the contact person already received a message via Google Chat. From now on MS Teams and SMS (Spryng and RingRing) are also supported.
- Further finishing solution for better integration of calendar invitations via Google and Microsoft MS 365. See also the video below. This option was already available in version 3.4, but now has a lot of extras.
- Working with QR code and automatic sending of emails when creating an invitation.
- Dashboard and navigation redesign. The dashboard can contain informational explanations for message board users.
- Waiting room functionalities with (a) an overview of employees whose visitors should be in that waiting room, as well as (b) calls from the visitor to a room.
- Integrations online calendars of third party software packages.
- Integration with a lot of new features such as Tikasso.
And there is a whole lot more in version 4.0! Interested to hear more about Partheas Q? Do not hesitate to contact us!
Category:Partheas Q