Early February, the time had come: AZ Zeno Blankenberge is also working with our unique ‘Partheas Flow’ application after a thorough renovation.
In 2018, AZ Zeno started Partheas Flow in its spectacular new-build hospital in Knokke. The immediate intention was to equip Blankenberge with the application a bit later, but that took some years: a thorough renovation was planned at the same time. The time had come on 1st February 2024: both the digital reception (Partheas QBasic) and the outpatient clinic (Partheas Flow) are now connected to the same software to ensure a smooth – and digitalized – patient flow.
In total, around 1,000 people work in AZ Zeno, including 140 doctors. The Blankenberge outpatient clinic offers quite a few similar services as Campus Knokke, but both campuses certainly have a range of specializations. Partheas Flow connects 15 medical disciplines, about 9 waiting rooms and about 70 doctors to the application in Blankenberge.
With the start-up of the patient flow in the completely renovated clinic of AZ Zeno Blankenberge, the first multi-campus setup of Partheas Flow was also launched. Both campuses work on one and the same application, but patients can have a ‘flow’ according to what is desired within the specific campus.
More information: info@partheas.com
Category:Partheas Flow