A tool that improves patient experience and offers substantial support for physicians and nursing staff… Sure, but that must become an expensive bill!? Well, not really. Not at all actually, as the solution has a really strong payback model. It obviously does require an initial investment, but the return on investment is significant and quick. Within a period of 12 to 24 months – and rather 12 than 24 – the initial investment earns itself back. Read more why intelligent patient flow management really is a no-brainer for the hospital CFO.
How is that accomplished?
Partheas Flow for consultations increases the polyclinic efficiency. It can do that in various ways, however, some of these benefits are not easily expressed in actual amounts. For instance, how much does a physician or hospital earn when they have to wait less for incoming patients? Hence, we will not try to calculate these in this article.
Instead, we will concentrate only on the amount of costs saved. No way to go around this, yes, it mainly concerns salary costs. Salary costs of (nursing) profiles that – in a tight job market – are very difficult to be found.
As described in earlier posts, intelligent flow management can automatically manage the patient flow. Next, the ‘process intelligence‘ component really leverages this effect and makes it a clear differentiator with more basic solutions. Staff earlier involved in managing this process, can focus on medical tasks, rather than keeping track of attendance lists. This results in a total number of full-time equivalents that is considerably less.

Comparative studies of Arteveldehogeschool (2014-2015) and PXL (2016) confirmed these findings. The top graph of this article shows the first Partheas Flow user (orthopaedics AZ Herentals), benchmarked with the same medical discipline of other Belgian hospitals. The AZH orthopaedics department top-scored on most efficiency parameters, and turned out to be better equipped for capacity changes.
This is an article (3 out of 7) in the series “Why would a hospital have (no) intelligent patient flow management?“. Interested to find out more about the techniques to maximize financial efficiency? Or would you like to benchmark your hospital? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us via our contact page. Alternatively write us an email via info@partheas.com.
Category:Partheas Flow