Today (10/02) the 3rd VDAB office (Mechelen) will start with our visitor reception software Partheas Q. After the pilot in Aalst (24/01) and Ghent (08/02), the roll-out of Partheas’ biggest project till now is on track to deliver the application to 30 offices by the end of April. By the end of 2022, all (67) offices of the organisation ought to run our solution.
Partheas Q allows VDAB customers (jobseekers, employers…) and different types of suppliers to digitally register when entering the office. Registration is possible via eID, QR code or manual entry of your name. The clouded application Partheas Q steers somewhere around 1 to 3 different kiosk terminals in each office, depending on the size of the office. The devices were assembled by Belgian 3S and Italian manufacturer AIS.
In the different locations, employment mediators, reception desk employees, job coaches and 6 other user roles, get informed about the arrival of their customers/contacts. Via a series of smart algorithms, customers get sent to the correct waiting room. Both terminal screens as well as (printed) tickets support no less than 15 different languages, including Russian and Arab.
The software has a rich API with almost 100 different services for optimal integration with the organisation in which it is working. Next, this version allows maximal integration with end customer’s IT systems. For VDAB, integration is made with
- The companies different agenda systems (using an intermediary data hub) ;
- IAM systems of both VDAB and third parties ;
- The existing open API services to retrieve the different office site’s opening hours ;
- Notification systems to alert all type of events such as the arrival of your contact (for VDAB it concerns Google Chat) ;
- The business intelligence environment(s) of the customer ;
- With our own ‘silk route’ app, we created our own highly efficient infrastructure to integrate browser-peripheral communication.
The solution not only supports the work of VDAB staff in the offices, but also the work of many local and national partner organisations such as GTB, Randstad Risesmart and many others.
Significant upgrade
Partheas Q version 3.0.1 is both functionally and technically a significant upgrade when compared to its predecessor 2.6.4. Our software team managed to introduce a lot of additional intelligence. The result is a large number of features that allow end customers to define ingenious and dynamic paths to steer the processes on the kiosk. Already, a series of exciting new functionalities are on the product roadmap for new further releases this year.
The visitor reception software is fit to be used in a wide range of organisations. The strong core features can easily be integrated with the end customers’ systems in order to maximize process optimization in both smaller and larger companies. In order to better highlight the features of the coolest reception software on the market, Partheas Q will get its own website soon.
Interested to find out more? Don’t hesitate to reach out.
About VDAB: VDAB is the Flemish government service that matches supply and demand in the labour market. Amongst other, it mediates to help jobseekers find work or supports reorientation of people’s careers. The organisation has more than 5000 employees and treats around 1.5 million job vacancies per year.
Category:Partheas Q