With this new release, Partheas Flow integrated with its first access control application as part of the patient flow process.
The solution contains the following extra features
- At subscription, dynamic way-finding information (= depending on the actual location of the physician) is printed + a QR code that provides access through the security gates
- Sending out of QR codes to (day) hospitalized patients in advance, in order to allow them easier access to the hospital. QR codes are sent to the patients via SMS and the hospital’s mailserver.
- Sending out of QR codes to visitors and companions of patients, in order to allow them to have access to the hospital, but also to make sure the hospital has a better grip on (the amount of) people who ought to have access to the infrastructure.
- In order to gain access to the hospital, people need to fill in a Corona questionnaire. Only then a QR code is generated and access is granted.
- Integration with the access gates of DNCS.
- Partheas Flow manages a central QR generation component.
More information about this solution? Don’t hesitate to reach out.
Category:MobilePartheas Flow