End of May, Partheas presented its solution at the Immohealthcare Kongress 2017 at Pfäffikon (Zürich, Switzerland). Partheas provided the demo in collaboration with RoomSignage (Berlin, Germany) and Frontwork (Walliselen, Switzerland) titled ‘Innovative Signage Anwendungen im Healthcare Bereich – erprobte Technologie auf neuen Wegen’. As the title indicates, the companies intended to demonstrate how a technology from a completely different sector got introduced in healthcare. The companies selected Partheas Flow as a strong ‘use case’.
In order to provide signage of the doctor’s consultation, we apply eInk signage technology. Each time a doctor – whether or not automatically – calls patients in the our application, the solution immediately displays the information large waiting room screens (LG, Samsung or other). At the same time, we also publish the information on the door of physicians, examination rooms, dressing rooms or other. The door sign does not only show the doctor’s details, it also provides a visual indication of the expected patient. The screen usually provides such indication via the icon and number of the badge/ticket the patient is carrying. In confided areas, the solution may also put the patient’s name on the door.
Why use eInk door signage
These digital signs offer a significant added value to the overall Partheas Flow solution. It is an important asset in maximizing independent patient movements. Hence, contributing in the overall automation of the entire process.
Moreover, the door signs are 7.4” screens that have some unique characteristics:
- they can be easily fixed,
- extremely long battery life-time (up to 5 years),
- no Ethernet or other wiring
- high value for money
The base technology of this solution originates in the retail industry where large volumes of such labels can be found in many of the larger European retail
shops. Retailers apply 7.4” labels not only to indicate a product price, but also product characteristics. In collaboration with the supplier, engineers adapted the solution in order to make a number of indispensable tweaks. This allows its set up to work optimally in a hospital environment.
As compared to earlier versions, RoomSignage has significantly improved the look of the solution. See to the right both the older version as well as the more recent, elegant look.
Also, the licensing model for the hardware got better adapted towards the healthcare industry. See below for our video in which the application was introduced at Pfäffikon.
If you find this interesting, don’t hesitate to ask more information.
Category:Partheas Flow