Since version 3.0 Partheas Flow (and Q) contains a multi-linguage feature. This means our application can always provide information to staff in their own language. For instance, this could be the language of the physician/nurse user profile in Active Directory.
The same is applicable for communication that goes to patients in waiting room screens, printed tickets, mobile devices and other. While the application can visualize all languages that a hospital would like to support – preferably – the language reads left-right.
All new languages can easily be entered on request of the end customer. However, there are 4 languages that are always available ‘by default’. It concerns
- Dutch
- English
- French
- German (newly added as ‘default’ since June 2020)
Please note: for the majority of our “must-receive” communication to patients, we maximally use an iconic approach.
Category:Featuresmulti-languagePartheas Flow